
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Nature Nectar Blood Builder Iron Supplement

Natures Nectar Blood Builder Iron Supplement is a formula containing Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Vitamin B-12, and Iron. It comes in bottle of 60 capsules and is directed to take 1 capsule once daily preferably with a meal.
I have been anemic for as long as I can remember, and have been taking iron supplements on and off for years. My biggest problem with finding an iron supplement is finding one that isnt hard on the stomach. Most pill form of iron is very hard to digest and extremly hard for the stomah to break down. I have been taking this supplement for about two weeks now and even though i havent felt much of a difference in my anemia symptons ( It takes a much longer use to feel much of a difference ) but these capsules are much easier to digest and havent cause any stomach issues.

* I will be updating my reveiw on this product after a longer period of use

* I have recieved this product highly discounted in exchange for an honest reveiw. This reveiw is my own personal opinion after using this product.


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